AquaGoat Finance
2 min readSep 20, 2021

Important Information Regarding V1 Contract Price

(Update 1 of 2)

Yesterday, many investors were shocked to see a massive spike in V1 price and were surprised to receive significantly less tokens when they tried to sell what they thought was a huge bag. The V1 price on TrustWallet and CMC are not accurate. You can see the correct value on Pancakeswap or Poocoin. This incredibly high price growth people started seeing yesterday is INCORRECT and has nothing to do with the V2 migration.

Many investors saw their TrustWallet yesterday thinking their investment rose 10,000% but when trying to sell they were getting a much smaller amount in return. Again, that is an issue with CMC and TrustWallet reporting a wildly incorrect price; it is not at all related to the V2 migration.

V1 tokens will still exist even after migration, meaning they will still be tradable by anyone who still holds them. The team and partnered exchanges will just be working with V2 only moving forward.

We will get CMC updated with our new contract after most, if not, all exchanges are migrated over to V2. After CMC is updated, TrustWallet will begin showing the proper token price, and we can also apply for our logo on TrustWallet. In the mean time, you can add the new contract address for V2 as a custom token in your wallet and use Poocoin or Dexguru to view the price of your investment:


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