AquaGoat Finance
3 min readSep 25, 2021

Aquagoat AMA 22nd September — Written summary of main points

**Aquagoat AMA written summary 22nd September 2021**

Been a very busy few weeks, let’s get everyone updated…

Jhunehl was LIVE at the UN endorsed Oceans Conference in San Diego. In person!

Aquagoat are running a physical booth there and are explaining our mission to attendees. Everyone is super interested, engaged and all see the innovation and what we are trying to achieve. Just one of the people that she chatted to was the president of the Marine Technology Society and she was super interested in partnering with us to do webinars and newsletters. We have captured over 40 real potential badges of organisations that want to talk to us, we’re going to need a bigger team after the event.

**FAQ’s on the migration from V1 to V2**

Why a manual migration

The reason why we migrated this way is because we had no ownership on the V1 contract, we didn’t start this project and the contract had already been renounced. because of that we couldn’t just start a new token with new liquidity and auto migrate everyone, we had to do a manual migration. The team worked hard to make sure we migrated as many holders as possible, we extended the deadline twice after feedback and now have a migrate process in place that enables everyone who held prior to August 15th to bring their tokens across. It’s very manual but we’re happy to do it for our holders.

Please go to the website and fill in the form on the homepage to take part in this process. DO not do anything with your tokens yet, wait for an official email from (any other email is NOT us)

Summary, we have migrated over 30,000 holders already to the new contract. We have migrated 13,500 holders through the manual process, through VNDC we have migrated over 10,000, Lbank over 8,000 holders and we are still doing the figures from others.

DO NOT FALL FOR SCAMMERS. We don’t have Helpdesk’s or admins and we will never contact you first! NEVER EVER give out your seed phrase, they will take everything in your wallet! They will also impersonate admins. NEVER click a link to ‘Validate your wallet’

Out of our 300,000 holders, when we analysed the blockchain we saw we had over 250,000 to 260,000 investors holding. just one token! We are now able to have a very accurate count and have gained about 3 or 4 thousand new holders since V2 started. We also have the new chart which looks attractive to invest into.

When folks migrate they will see a 99% decrease in tokens as we have decreased supply from 100 Quad to 1 Quad, but an increase in price alongside that for the V2 contract.

If you’re on Bitmart, just hold and wait, migration process is automatic and should be completed next week.

Trustwallet pulls pricing from CMC right now CMC has the old contract loaded despite recognising the new token. We are working on this as a priority . We have filed the application to update. We have onboarded several of our exchanges already and everything is on track.

Wen Burn? We started with a 45% burn at launch 450T. With our redistribution we have double the amount of burn from V1 and everyone is making double the amount of refelctions from V1.

Safemoon Wallet? We are LIVE on the wallet but is recognising V1 token but showing V2 pricing information, we are working with them to fix that ASAP. We have seen an uptick from thr Android wallet going LIVE, IOS is coming soon so this should be good for new holders too.

Aquagoat Swap? We are now modifying cosmetic issues and testing thoroughly on our end. We want to make sure we are giving you the best product we can give you after the migration, phase 2 will launch just behind phase 1. It’s very nearly done.

Here is a video recording of the AMA from Generation Crypto-

The whole team has been flat out on the migration and is now re-energising and getting ready for the huge opportunities that lie ahead now we can control our own future on the V2 contract

Thank you for holding and supporting Aquagoat|.

The AG dev team

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